Hello there, I’m writing my review for the gentleman in Africa who helped me with my purchase. I woke up one morning and knew I needed to order ibogaine. I have experienced two flood doses in the past on my own, making the TA from my own root bark, so that is what I have experience with. So onto my review.
I found getibogaine.com simply through searching and, after reading the Trustpilot reviews, I had a very good feeling this was legit. I reached out via WhatsApp and he got back to me right away. I already knew what I wanted to order, which was 2 grams of TA and 1 gram of HCL. I am taking this for the anti-addictive properties, so I wanted enough to do small doses as I needed.
We finished our WhatsApp conversation at 2:50 pm his time(i checked the Africa time, just curious what it was down there), and after I completed my payment, he got it out the same day. Yes, that’s right, this guy went out of his way(however far he had to drive, I can only imagine) and got on it right away and got it out that day. I received tracking, which I could track right away. The product took one week, door to door for me, and that was a real gift. Shipping isn’t too expensive and I believe he tells you on the website what it cos. So he sent it out, I tracked it and received it just on time. This was actually quite incredible considering what it takes to get this stuff from any vendor, typically.
The product
When I received the product, the TA was a darker color, and the HCL was an almost light green. Typically, what you are getting (in this case too) is something like 95% ibogaine with maybe one or two more alkaloids making up the other 5%. That is still fine, and the HCL supposedly has fewer visuals and is less for spiritual development and more for straight addiction-breaking work. either way, the product came in overweight, and it all looked and smelled right( like vinegar, because that is used to extract the alkaloids-TA always smells like vinegar).
Product experience
i wasn’t ready for another flood. One is that it can be dangerous to do it totally on your own, especially without a sitter. My addictive habits aren’t so bad that I need a total reset. if someone has a very strong difficult addiction, then a full flood might make sense. I’ve done that, and for my purposes, it was a bit much.
After contemplating, i decided to take 300mg of TA and 100mg of HCL one morning. to my pleasant surprise, there was nothing scary about this experience. in the past, I’ve taken 1gram of TA and also 2grams of TA on another occasion. 1gram was fine for me, 2gram was not- it was hell.and a hard rest.
i knew i only needed to stay under 1 gram to be safe and not have a hell of a time with it. so the 300mg of TA and 100mg of HCL did me just right it lasted pretty much all day. the most intense of the experience, no matter how much you take at once, is from hour 2-7 during that time you are sensitive to light(so it is better to do at night for this reason, or wear any eyepatch) you might experience some dizzyness and disorientation and your muscles might literally be like jello/weighted down. so you really need to prepare to be immobile during this time so you can just focus on ehats inside. during that time you have the opportunity to “dearm” while iboga does its magic work on your brain. during that time you can/will go into REM sleep, especially with an eye mask over your eyes and earplugs in. i would recommend spending the first several hours lying down in bed with an eyemask on and earplugs in. iboga works bes “during the night” and it is prefereble to start your dose in the evening, but i personally didn’t want any trouble sleeping that night (it has a long half-life) so by taking it early, like 7-8 in the morning on an empty stomach, thet gives me over 12 hours to get through the work and still be able to sleep that might. the time i did 2gram of TA, i could not sleep for two nights straight. Not a wink really. when i did 1gram of TA i was able to sleep that first night around 1 am-even when took it at 5 pm. so anyways, there are different protocols you can follow, but traditional iboga is taken at night because it works best/you dream at night.
So for me, the experience with 300mg TA +100mg of HCL was pretty non-psychoactive, and right now, I really don’t need psychedelics in my life, even though I’ve been entangled and refining my behaviors.
IBOGA stays in your system for a few days. If you have a good experience, you can expext the little “voice” that iboga gives inside of you (which might be a stronger connection to our own subconscious) to stay for a few days. it really is like having a little helper in you as you go about doing your normal life
i have been very happy with my experience and would absolutely recommend him. take care and good luck in your work.