Certain chemical compounds, including ibogaine, were found in Voacanga Africana at varying percentages.
These alkaloids present in Voacanga Africana will include voacamine (7.2%), voacangine (5.6%), vincristine (4.0%), voacorine (3.7%), vobtusin (0.4%), tabersonine (3.5%), ibogaine (0.4%) and vobasine (1.6%).
Voacamine is a powerful cardiotonic stimulant, while Voacangine is also a well-known psychoactive agent.
The chemical structures of both alkaloids resemble another spectacular substance present in the Voacanga Africana plant known as ibogaine.
Although the action is not yet fully understood, ibogaine is believed to be effective in modulating neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission and acting as a natural stimulant against fatigue.
In large doses, ibogaine is a powerful psychedelic that gives rise to a dreamlike and introspective experience.
Of the overall alkaloid mix, 5–10% is contained in the root bark (the so-called root epidermis), 4–5% is in the trunk bark, 1.5% is in the seeds, and 0.30–0.45% is in the leaves.