
How Shamans use Voacanga

How do the shamans induce visionary experiences using Voacanga?

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In what is known as the “Amazonian Dark Ages,” between the 1400s and 1800s, Europeans contacted the indigenous groups of South America for the first time. 

In this period, there were many conflicts between European settlers and indigenous peoples. Some of these conflicts were due to misunderstandings about how each culture viewed vision plants (such as ayahuasca) and their use in religious ceremonies. 

This article will explore how shamans induce visionary experiences using Voacanga Africana.

the tree of knowledge

The word voacanga means “the tree of knowledge” in the Bantu language of Central Africa.

Shamans may use this plant when they want to communicate with their ancestors or journey into the spirit world so that they can find answers about the pros facing their communities. 

Shamans use this substance for healing, divination (to predict the future), and communicating with other spiritual beings like angels or gods (and sometimes even demons).

How do shamans take Voacanga to induce visionary experiences?

One way of doing this is by chewing the seeds and leaves of Voacanga. The shamans take them in three ways: either chewed, smoked or prepared into a tea.

The first method involves the shaman chewing the seeds until they form a thick liquid which they then swallow. 

The process of chewing releases an alkaloid called N-methyltyramine that causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, making it more difficult for shamans to fall asleep at night. 

It also leads to nausea, dizziness, and vomiting which last for several hours after ingestion (this can be avoided by adding herbs such as ginger). 

However, once these symptoms subside there is typically a feeling of euphoria for between 2-3 hours before returning back to normal.

Smoking Voacanga leaves works similarly—the active ingredients are absorbed through mucous membranes in the lungs when inhaled with smoke from burning leaves or wood shavings from cut branches from Voacanga trees.

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Get to Know the difference between voacanga and ibogaine

The Voacanga Experience

To start, it’s important to understand that Voacanga’s visionary experience is not a dream. But it’s also not quite a hallucination, either

—at least not in the sense that you might think of when you hear the word “hallucination.” So, what is it?

To put it simply: It’s more like a waking dream than anything else. You’ll feel more awake than when you’re sleeping, but at the same time, your mind and body will seem to have become separated in some way. 

During a Voacanga experience, your eyes will be open but you may feel paralyzed and unable to move (though this isn’t always true). 

People report seeing things in front of them that aren’t there physically; for example, I once saw horses running alongside me on a path through the woods where there weren’t any horses at all! 

The experiences can be very different from person to person depending on their personality and background, but they usually involve hallucinations or sensory distortions like hearing colors or feeling sounds as tactile sensations (like touching something cold).

How far away are we from taking visionary experiences seriously and using them as a tool for self-improvement, and spiritual and emotional growth?

If you are looking for new ways of exploring your spiritual and emotional growth, visionary experiences are a great tool. 

They can help you get to know yourself better and find out what you need to work on to develop yourself further.

However, to use these visions as a tool for personal growth and self-improvement, it’s important not just to have them but also to learn how they happen. 

If people don’t understand their visionaries well enough, it could lead them down the wrong path by making them think that any vision is good enough or that anything goes wrong when inducing visionary experiences with drugs.

Explore your subconscious mind.

If you want to explore your subconscious and the mystical powers it contains.

A variety of drugs have been developed over the years to alter a person’s consciousness, but one of the most effective ones is called Voacanga.

Voacanga has been used for centuries by shamans and other spiritual practitioners who want to induce visionary experiences—and sometimes mystical ones as well

—to see what lies beyond this world.


The shamans of the Voacanga-using cultures believe in the power of their medicine and use it to connect with a higher level of consciousness. 

The experience is usually described as being one of heightened awareness, which includes a sense of internal connection and harmony with nature. 

This is very similar to what other cultures report about their use of psychedelic plants like Ayahuasca or Iboga root bark.


Helpful Resources

1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): NIDA is a government-funded research organization that provides information and resources on addiction and substance abuse. Their website offers resources specifically tailored to the pandemic, including information on telehealth and online support groups.

2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA is a government agency that provides information and resources on addiction and mental health. Their website offers resources specifically tailored to the pandemic, including a national helpline for individuals who are struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

3. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): AA is a support group for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. AA has moved many of its meetings online, providing a safe and accessible way for individuals to connect with others who understand their struggles.

4. Narcotics Anonymous (NA): NA is a support group for individuals struggling with drug addiction. Like AA, NA has moved many of its meetings online, providing a safe and accessible way for individuals to connect with others who understand their struggles.

5. Mental health professionals: Mental health professionals such as therapists and counselors can provide individualized support and guidance for individuals struggling with addiction during the pandemic. Many mental health professionals offer teletherapy, a form of therapy conducted over the phone or through video conferencing.

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Get Ibogaine Team

Get Ibogaine Team is the collective expertise behind Get Ibogaine, a leading provider of iboga products and addiction treatment services.

With over 200 successful cases since 2017, our team comprises certified naturopathic practitioners, iboga experts, doctors, and Lab Technicians dedicated to helping individuals heal from addiction.

From aiding individuals in overcoming addiction to guiding seekers on transformative spiritual experiences rooted in the Bwiti tradition, we bring passion, experience, and holistic solutions to every aspect of our work.

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