For generations, indigenous cultures have held a deep reverence for the potent plant voacanga. Beyond its medicinal properties, traditional uses of Voacanga have played a vital role in their traditions, particularly in the realm of hunting.
This article delves into the fascinating history of voacanga in hunting practices, exploring the ways in which its unique properties were harnessed to enhance focus, improve tracking skills, and connect with the spirit of the animal. Join us as we journey back in time to uncover the ancient wisdom surrounding this remarkable plant and its profound impact on human connection with nature.
You find a supply very easily in West Africa
The tree is called Voacanga, and it grows in West Africa. When you find a supply of the seeds, they’re about one to three inches long.
You can use them for hunting because they contain a chemical that mimics the smell of blood to animals. This helps attract them to where you are so that you can catch them easily!
It is made into powder and used as a drug by some bushmen tribes in the region
Voacanga seeds are used by bushmen tribes to make powder, which they put on their arrows to make them go further. The powder also helps kill prey more effectively.
The Voacanga plant contains a psychoactive drug called voacangine (or voacamine). It can be found in the bark and leaves of the tree, but it is most concentrated in the seeds of the fruit.
Voacangine has been shown to increase heart rate and blood pressure while simultaneously decreasing respiration rate, body temperature, and pain sensitivity.
Related: Is Voacanga Africana a psychedelic?
Voacanga is used to make arrows go further and kill their prey more effectively
Voacanga is used to make arrows go further and kill their prey more effectively. Larger animals are usually hunted with poisoned arrows, while smaller animals are killed with non-poisoned arrows.
The poison acts as a paralyzing agent and makes it easier for the hunters to capture their prey.
The method by which these toxins are administered varies from tribe to tribe but generally involves placing a small amount of powder on the arrow before shooting it into its target.
The hunters throw the powder at their enemy
The hunters throw the powder at their enemy, and all he sees are red spots; his vision is obscured, which helps the hunter get the upper hand.
In this way, we see that this drug has a dual purpose: it causes temporary blindness to the enemy while enhancing your own senses.
It should be noted that this practice of throwing powder at enemies was used by both people alike in West Africa.
If they let the dust get into their enemy’s eyes, it can cause temporary blindness
Another thing that Voacanga can do for an assailant is blind his or her enemy. The dust from the plant can get into an opponent’s eyes, causing them to temporarily lose their vision.
It’s not just a temporary loss of sight, though: if the dust gets in your eyes and you look at something bright (like the sun), it may cause hallucinations as well!
A person may also feel a burning sensation after getting this dust in their eyes, as it has powerful painkiller properties.
If you’re wondering why anyone would want to blind their enemies, it’s because most people don’t know what this powder actually does.
If someone looks up at the sky while they’re being attacked by another person who has some of that dust on him or her, and if that person doesn’t realize what’s going on, they might think they were hallucinating when they saw a bird fly past them with no wings!
Voacanga can be found in West Africa, and it has a hallucinogenic effect when you throw it at your enemy
Voacanga is a plant that grows in West Africa. It has many benefits, including its use as an insect repellent, for treating stomach upsets, and for curing fevers.
When ingested, Voacanga can cause hallucinations and make you feel dizzy or nauseous. However, it’s also one of the most popular hunting weapons in West Africa!
The people who live there find that throwing Voacanga at their enemies is an excellent way to incapacitate them without killing them (which would be illegal).
They simply throw the leaves into their enemy’s face, causing hallucinations that leave them disoriented and unable to fight back effectively for hours afterward!
This makes it easier for hunters to capture their prey without hurting anyone else.
Related: Voacanga Africana for opiate dependence.
As we have seen, Voacanga is a vital hunting tool in West Africa. It allows hunters to approach their prey without being detected, which makes it safer and easier to kill.
Voacanga also provides an added advantage by making animals less likely to flee when they hear humans approaching. This can be especially useful when hunting larger games like elephants.
In addition to its use in hunting, voacanga has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac by many cultures across Africa, including the Azande people of Congo, who believe it increases sexual desire and fertility among both people.
Helpful Resources
1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): NIDA is a government-funded research organization that provides information and resources on addiction and substance abuse. Their website offers resources specifically tailored to the pandemic, including information on telehealth and online support groups.
2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA is a government agency that provides information and resources on addiction and mental health. Their website offers resources specifically tailored to the pandemic, including a national helpline for individuals who are struggling with addiction or mental health issues.
3. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): AA is a support group for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. AA has moved many of its meetings online, providing a safe and accessible way for individuals to connect with others who understand their struggles.
4. Narcotics Anonymous (NA): NA is a support group for individuals struggling with drug addiction. Like AA, NA has moved many of its meetings online, providing a safe and accessible way for individuals to connect with others who understand their struggles.
5. Mental health professionals: Mental health professionals such as therapists and counselors can provide individualized support and guidance for individuals struggling with addiction during the pandemic. Many mental health professionals offer teletherapy, a form of therapy conducted over the phone or through video conferencing.